Tag Archive: Wolf Becoming

I’d like to thank Dale Cameron Lowry at https://readersandwritersforlgbtchechens.wordpress.com/ for giving me the chance to help signal-boost the terrific work of Readers & Writers for LGBT Chechens and Books Save Lives. If you read my books, or my Facebook posts, or pretty much anything I write anywhere, chances are you don’t need to be told about the horrific scenes presently unfolding in Chechnya, gay men imprisoned, tortured, killed – some by the authorities, some by their own families in “honor killings.” Concentration camps, and governments – including, to my shame and outrage, my own – turning a blind eye.

So, instead of telling you that story, I’d like to start by telling you a story about a story.

I was inspired to write WOLF, BECOMING by a panel discussion at the first Rainbow Con, back in 2014. The Sochi Olympics were coming up, and the institutionalized homophobia in Russia was very much on everyone’s minds. I was a panelist on a Sunday morning panel on “religion in LGBT fiction” (It was Easter morning, it seemed appropriate), and someone proposed doing a charity anthology – all m/m stories set in Russia or the Ukraine, all featuring HEAs – gay men living and loving their truths in a regime that was beginning to indicate that it had no intention of allowing them to do either. And I got to thinking about a dear friend of mine, a gay Russian man, living in the U.S., who I’ve known for over 20 years. He had lost his partner to cancer a few years previously, and had followed his partner’s wishes and brought his body back to Moscow for burial. And by 2014, because some American embassy attaché’s kid decided to write a book about his years in Russia during the Cold War and thought it would add verisimilitude to out my friend, my friend can’t go back to visit his partner’s grave, not without risking his life.

And right after I left that panel, I discovered that the Dreamspinner Advent Calendar anthology for 2014 was going to feature Christmas stories from countries other than the U.S. Now, I’m not necessarily the brightest bulb on God’s Christmas tree, but when an idea hits me over the head hard enough, even I notice.

So WOLF, BECOMING was born, a novella-length story out of ancient Russian legend and the modern day, a wolf shapeshifter reviled by wolves for his strangeness and the third son of a powerful Russian oligarch, a wealthy man who can’t afford the disgrace of a gay son. The story pulls no punches – one reader has commented “You know, this is the first Christmas story I’ve ever read that features an attempted fratricide.” It’s dark and cold, yet it’s also warm and beautiful and the HEA I wished I could have given to my friend, and so many men like him.

I wish I could reach out and do more now, as another cancer spreads in Chechnya. I’d offer the royalties from WOLF, BECOMING, as part of the good work Dale and so many authors are doing (go check out that link at the head of the article for even more ways you can help) but Volyk and Ilya would have to hit the NYT bestseller list for me to be able to give as much as I’d like. Although I will donate royalties to Rainbow Railroad – at the end of this post is a link to WOLF’s page on QueeRomance Ink, which isn’t a sales page but has links to every place you can buy the novella. And if you hit me up on Facebook by private message, or e-mail me at Rory (dot) Ni (at) yahoo (dot) com, and attach a screenshot of your receipt, or some other proof of purchase, before the end of May, I’ll donate the royalties. But I want to do more – so every comment on this blog post before the end of May will mean another $1.00 donation from me. I’d let the comment period run even longer, but this money needs to get where it’s going, so we can get these men to safety.

So…. read, comment. And wherever you are, and whoever you speak to, speak up. Speak out. Silence is a luxury no one can afford right now.


WOLF, BECOMING’s QueeRomance Ink page:

Wolf, Becoming


Hello, Snippetteers! — this Snippet needs a little bit of setup, but I don’t want to give too much away, either. (Not to mention that it always feels a little bit like cheating, to spend a whole paragraph setting up my six (well, seven) sentences…) Basically, Terry (the POV character here) has just disappeared from reality as everyone else currently in the story recognizes it, after going along with Maelduin’s request that he step into a mysterious circle of light and try to sense the magick in it. From his perspective, he’s inside a blurry, shifting cylinder of light, unable to get out, or even to make himself heard outside the cylinder. And it’s just occurred to him that maybe this was exactly what Maelduin (who had just revealed himself to be a Fae) intended all along.


He wouldn’t do this on purpose. He wouldn’t.

There was no reason for that to be true, of course. People did shit to one another all the time. He’d dumped Josh for a fast talker with a practiced smile, a platinum AmEx, and the social skills of a Tasmanian devil with mange. And Bryce had, in turn, put him out on the street with nothing but a suitcase. The last seven or eight years of Terry’s life had been a case study in the care and feeding of bad decisions.


And finally, a couple of links —

Rainbow Snippets, your home on Facebook for this and many other LGBTQIA+ goodies: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/

And as close as I have to a Christmas story — WOLF, BECOMING — which grew out of a Dreamspinner Advent Calendar story a couple of years ago and still has a touch of Christmas at its heart: http://ow.ly/3mVg3070reF


(Rhoann Callte, from UNDERTOW. You’re welcome. *winks*)

Good afternoon, Snippetteers! — today’s snippet is as hot off the presses as it gets, as it’s part of last night’s writing (which means it’s actually part of early this morning’s writing, because that’s how I roll…) What follows is part of Terry’s rumination, as he and Maelduin finish up their amazing Thai carry-out dinner, about what’s about to happen next. At least, as far as Terry’s planned things out. But I would urge you, gentle reader, to remember…

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley….


The stunning blond had spent most of dinner finding new ways to be impossibly perfect while making awkward small talk over curried scallops. Small talk which was going to get him nowhere, in the end, because Terry’s mind was made up. Yes, he was attracted to Maelduin. He’d have to be dead not to be — if Terry crossed his eyes just a little, Maelduin looked a whole lot like Tiernan Guaire, the landlord of Raging Art-On and Terry’s new dance studio, and one of the most stunning men Terry had ever met. But really, the simple fact of his attraction alone was more than enough reason for Terry to show Maelduin the door. Because Terry had the world’s worst taste in, and luck with, men. If he, Terry, felt anything for a guy, that feeling was surely fucked up, and enough reason by itself to call for the hook.


And a couple of links for y’all —

Rainbow Snippets on Facebook, your home for much more wonderful LGBTQIA+ snippets, fresh every weekend: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/

And just for fun, my two books I’ve entered in the RITA Awards (kind of like the Oscars, for romance novels) —

WOLF, BECOMING http://ow.ly/LpID305T7Uy

UNDERTOW (SoulShares #7) http://ow.ly/DKze305T7Y5


Good morning, Snippetteers! — this week’s Snippet is going to have to do double duty, I’m afraid, since I’m going to be away at GRL next weekend. But here’s a bit from STONE COLD, in which Terry has just arrived home after a long day at the tattoo parlor, and after spotting his most recent ex canoodling on a park bench with his ex’s new boyfriend. (Bryce Newhouse and Lasair Faol, from BLOWING SMOKE, for those of you keeping score at home.) The two of them are in the kitchen, Terry having just brought home Thai food from his favorite take-out restaurant.


Terry shook his head and looked away, leaning against the counter and staring at the gray stone between the heels of his hands. “Would you quit being so fucking perfect?”

Maelduin had hoped for something that would make him feel less confused, rather than more. “If I am perfect, why would you want me to be less so?”

Terry had beautiful eyes, even when he was regarding Maelduin with an easy-to-read you make as much sense as an inebriated Sibyl expression. “Because then your leaving wouldn’t suck quite so badly.”


And a few links to tide you over for the next couple of weeks *winks*

Rainbow Snippets on Facebook, your home for other LGBTQIA+ goodies — https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/

My Amazon author page, where you can find ALL the SoulShares, plus WOLF, BECOMING, A SUMMER’S DAY, the German edition of HARD AS STONE, and both Queer Sci Fi flash fiction anthologies — http://ow.ly/YNcc305dcJn


Hello, Snippetteers! — I’ve spent the weekend helping to run the Queer Sci Fi vendor table at Gaylaxicon, but I’m back now! And I think you’re going to enjoy this week’s snippet, fresh from STONE COLD, my work-in-progress. Just a bit of intro — Maelduin has only recently arrived from the Fae Realm, and there’s a channeling on him (Fae channel magick rather than casting spells) that lets him understand any word he hears. As you might recall, he’s also having issues with extreme clumsiness, which in this instance has caused him to sit on the remote to Terry’s television, while Terry’s off at work. Maelduin, of course, has never seen or heard of a television…


The apartment seemed very quiet when Maelduin pushed the button and silenced the spirits. He wondered where they went, when darkness fell over their prison, the trapped spirits with the strange names — HBO, Food Network, Animal Planet, SSTARMAX, National Geographic. Perhaps they appreciated not being forced to entertain any longer at the whim of the one who held the flat black rectangular key to their prison — or sat on it, as he had done initially. It puzzled him that none of them attempted to escape — none of them listened to his exhortations, although he supposed he understood, as whatever channeling kept them imprisoned kept them from hearing or seeing him — but surely they wanted their freedom? Yet instead of attempting to flee, or planning escape, they persisted in creating food out of ingredients even a Fae found peculiar, engaging in palace intrigues and debaucheries that were nearly Fae in their complexity and the rhythm of their speech, whispering to cats possessed by demons, and attempting to sell him Medicare supplement plans, whatever those were.

At least the spirit named Gordon Ramsay had taught Maelduin the proper use of a stove, assuming it would ever be safe for him to be around open flame again.


And a few links for you —

Rainbow Snippets on Facebook, your home for all kinds of LGBTQIA+ goodies: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/

UNDERTOW, the latest in the SoulShares series: http://ow.ly/8EEb3050BVX

WOLF, BECOMING, my Russian shapeshifter novella: http://ow.ly/zBGD3050BSf


Hello, Snippetteers! — real life has had plans for me this week, plans that didn’t involve very much writing, so I thought I’d revisit “Wolf, Becoming,” my Russian shape-shifter novella from Dreamspinner. The setup for this snippet is that Volyk, a wolf with the ability to become human under certain limited circumstances, has just found Ilya (the “male” in this snippet) lying in the snow atop a frozen river; Volyk has just run off Ilya’s two older brothers, who had beaten him with an axe handle and were in the process of chopping a hole in the ice to dump Ilya in the river until Volyk intervened.


The male’s eyes opened; his gaze wandered, unseeing, then fell on Volyk. Pale gray eyes widened, their lashes already burdened with snow. “A cleaner death than my brothers meant for me,” he murmured. “Bol’shoye spasibo.”

Volyk shook his head. I am not your death, he wanted to say. But he could smell death lurking too near the human, see it in the way the beautiful eyes stopped noticing him, the gray gaze wandered past him to contemplate something far off, in a place where nothing was.

I will not let you die.


As usual, a few links for you —

Rainbow Snippets, your home for LGBTQIA+ goodness on Facebook:

WOLF, BECOMING on Amazon: http://ow.ly/IuP7304j9ZP
WOLF, BECOMING on Dreamspinner: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/wolf-becoming-by-rory-ni-coileain-3652-b

FLIGHT: Queer Sci Fi’s Third Annual Flash Fiction Contest — comes out September 21, available for preorder now, and my “life/flight” was chosen to kick it off! http://ow.ly/y57J304jafi


At long last, all in one place — all of Rory’s books, in all formats, and I PROMISE to keep it updated!


HARD AS STONE (SoulShares #1)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/6puW301xGCC
ARe: http://ow.ly/FIC6302KMzm
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/rZb1301xJtu
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/CV9n301xGEO

GALE FORCE (SoulShares #2)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/BfqJ301xIpz
ARe: http://ow.ly/rZn3302KMMx
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/HPmO301xJwL
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/qPJs301xItz

DEEP PLUNGE (SoulShares #3)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/vSYn301xI4p
ARe: http://ow.ly/CSAO302KMVZ
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/8CW7301xJyQ
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/OH4q301xI7g

FIRESTORM (SoulShares #4)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/QoMW301xIcV
ARe: http://ow.ly/8OSi302KMYu
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/IaeV301xJC5
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/K3bw301xIhU

BLOWING SMOKE (SoulShares #5)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/hFNQ301xIwo
ARe: http://ow.ly/2MD8302KN0h
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/Wgjo301xJHs
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/7h3n301xIEr

MANTLED IN MIST (SoulShares #6)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/V9fx301xIJI
ARe: http://ow.ly/GUz3302KN4f
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/Sck1301xJKz
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/yGJl301xINr

UNDERTOW (SoulShares #7)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/ZE37302KNmU
ARe: http://ow.ly/TEMO302KNel
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/6MoS302KNu9
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/ufir302KNoM

Coming in 2017: STONE COLD (SoulShares #8) and BACK DOOR INTO PURGATORY (SoulShares #9 and the end of the series)

WOLF, BECOMING (Russian wolf shapeshifter novella)

Amazon (Kindle only): http://ow.ly/US2D301xGzj
ARe: http://ow.ly/UbrY302KNiD
Dreamspinner Press (.epub. .mobi, or .pdf): http://ow.ly/ItKU301xITW

DISCOVERY: QSF’s Second Annual Flash Fiction Contest – something completely different, my contribution to a speculative flash fiction (300 words) anthology

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/p9xr302KO65
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/BnKW302KO7h

FLIGHT: QSF’s Third Annual Flash Fiction Contest – coming Fall of 2016

Coming in August 2016:

A SUMMER’S DAY – an m/m anthology, Shakespeare with a twist – benefitting the It Gets Better project

And, finally —

FREE READ – “Obsidian”http://ow.ly/yBTa301xNqI

Oh, and come find me on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/Soulshares/ ) and Twitter (@RoryNi)!


June is a very special month around here – Pride, and my birthday, and the anniversary of the signing of my very first novel contract! So in honor of all that momentousness (I’m not sure that’s even a word, but if it wasn’t before, it is now, so there), and by way of special welcome to everyone I met, or am going to be meeting, at Twin Cities Pride and CONvergence, I thought I’d gather all the buy links for all the SoulShares novels and my oboroten’ novella together in one place, in all the formats in which they’re available. However you like your m/m romance (provided you like it mythical, legendary, paranormal, and monitor-melting HOT) there’s a link for that. (And scroll all the way to the end for a FREE read, “Obsidian,” originally written for the Facebook MM Romance Group’s Love Is an Open Road project in the summer of 2015 and available on their Web site in .epub, .mobi, and .pdf. For freakin’ free. Go on, grab your copy, I’ll wait right here.

Back? Yay!

A lot has been going on over the last few months in my writing world – in particular, I’ve gotten the rights back to the two Gille Dubh novellas I had with Ellora’s Cave, HEART OF THE OAK and TEMPTED FROM THE OAK, and hopefully you’ll be seeing those two (and their younger and as yet unpublished sibling, BOUND IN OAK), sometime in 2017. I have short stories scheduled to come out in a charity Shakespeare m/m romance anthology and a 12 Days of Christmas anthology – check back here for more details on both as I get them. And I’m scheduled to be at CONvergence (Bloomington, Minnesota, June 30-July 1), Gaylaxicon (World LGBT SFF Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 7-9), and GRL (GayRomLit Retreat, Featured Author, October 20-23, Kansas City, Missouri). C’mon up and see me sometime!

Oh, and if you’re new to my blog, please do subscribe, and come find me on Facebook –

And now *drum roll* THE BUY LINKS!

Hard as Stone Final

HARD AS STONE (SoulShares #1)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/6puW301xGCC
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/rZb1301xJtu
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/CV9n301xGEO

Gale Force Final

GALE FORCE (SoulShares #2)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/BfqJ301xIpz
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/HPmO301xJwL
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/qPJs301xItz

Deep Plunge Final

DEEP PLUNGE (SoulShares #3)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/vSYn301xI4p
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/8CW7301xJyQ
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/OH4q301xI7g

Firestorm Final

FIRESTORM (SoulShares #4)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/QoMW301xIcV
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/IaeV301xJC5
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/K3bw301xIhU

Blowing Smoke Final

BLOWING SMOKE (SoulShares #5)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/hFNQ301xIwo
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/Wgjo301xJHs
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/7h3n301xIEr

Mantled in Mist Final

MANTLED IN MIST (SoulShares #6)

Amazon (Kindle): http://ow.ly/V9fx301xIJI
Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi or .pdf): http://ow.ly/Sck1301xJKz
Amazon (paperback): http://ow.ly/yGJl301xINr


Undertow from Amazon

UNDERTOW (SoulShares #7)

Amazon (Kindle):  http://ow.ly/qQ0E302oPfL

All Romance eBooks:  http://ow.ly/5IUX302oYBc

Riverdale Avenue Books (.epub, .mobi, or .pdf):  http://riverdaleavebooks.com/books/5267/undertow

Amazon (paperback):  http://ow.ly/Seok302oPlc

Coming in 2017: STONE COLD (SoulShares #8) and BACK DOOR INTO PURGATORY (SoulShares #9 and the end of the series)


WOLF, BECOMING (Russian wolf shapeshifter novella)

Amazon (Kindle only): http://ow.ly/US2D301xGzj
Dreamspinner Press (.epub. .mobi, or .pdf): http://ow.ly/ItKU301xITW


FREE READ – “Obsidian” — http://ow.ly/yBTa301xNqI



Good afternoon, Snippetteers! — my publisher likes to include the first chapter of the next SoulShares book at the end of the book just coming out. So I’ve just finished the first chapter of STONE COLD, and you’re the first to get a look at a piece of it!

This lovely gentleFae, incidentally, is Maelduin, a Fae obsessed with avenging his father’s murder. But there are a few things he doesn’t know about the male he’s sworn to kill…


By my own hand and will, I do resign to you all rights and titles and magicks falling to me as Head of House...

The ancient words were pretty, but carried little true meaning, at least the part about the magicks of a Head of House. Some of the Great Houses, the lap-dogs of the Royals, invested their Lords and Ladies with unique magicks. His own House had been poor even before its fall, and now possessed little more than its pride. Which had been destroyed, utterly, before Maelduin had been born.

And which he was now going to reclaim.


My usual couple of links for you —

Rainbow Snippets on Facebook, your home for all snippets LGBTQIA+ —

And WOLF, BECOMING, my Russian shapeshifter novella, at the brand-spanking-new (ahem) Dreamspinner site — http://ow.ly/9bhj301a5xX

Rainbow Food

Happy Memorial Day weekend, Snippetteers! — here’s a bit of Clarence to accompany you into summer! (I needed seven sentences this time, rather than the prescribed six — hopefully no one minds? *winks*) This scene is set at the first blocking rehearsal for the Perchance to Dream Theatre Company’s production of The Tempest. Clarence Limont is the production’s Prospero, a major (but slowly fading) star of the London stage who has taken on the role as a favor to the director, an old school chum; Jaymes Stafford is the production’s Ariel, a recent college graduate who has quite captivated Clarence. And Troy Miller is Caliban, an arsecrumb of the first water and the particular bane of Jaymes’ existence. I picture Clarence as a slightly younger Ian McKellen (he’s in his early sixties, but at the moment is feeling considerably older); Jaymes’ mother is of German and Scottish descent, and his father is Jamaican; I can picture him perfectly in my mind, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to find a photo that does him justice. You’ll just have to imagine him for yourself — tall, lean, tawny, with an angular face and big dark eyes, and a cloud of tightly-kinked dark-blond hair. And quite shy, usually, in the presence of a Giant of the London Stage…


By God, he felt a moment of genuine excitement, gesturing into the wings, Prospero bidding, coaxing Ariel forth for the first time in the play. And when Jaymes allowed himself to be teased out, as light-footed as a spirit in battered trainers, it seemed the excitement was mutual. Or at least contagious. Clarence was willing to settle for contagious.

A snicker came from the opposite wing, and Jaymes’ slight, sweet smile dissolved. Clarence didn’t need to turn to identify the culprit as Troy. The arsecrumb had been stepping on everyone’s lines, all through the reading process, and apparently was set to continue his winning ways, a dyspeptic God’s gift to the Bard’s canon.


And, finally the usual couple of links:

Rainbow Snippets on Facebook — your destination for many more LGBTQIA+ goodies: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/

And just for today (May 28) my Russian shapeshifter novella, WOLF, BECOMING, is on sale at Dreamspinner Press for 25 percent off, as part of their birthday sale (but even when it’s not on sale, it’s a heck of a deal!) http://ow.ly/F34d300GBFc