Archive for December, 2016


Hello, Snippetteers! — rather than try to come up with an appropriate epitaph for 2016, I decided to just do my bit to make sure the year ends on a high note. Those of you who have read HARD AS STONE (SoulShares #1) know exactly what this picture signifies — and those of you who haven’t will at least have an inkling by the time you finish this Snippet from STONE COLD. Yes, it’s seven sentences, but as usual, I trust you’ll understand the necessity. The POV character is Kevin Almstead, the human main character from HARD AS STONE. Oh, and just remember — Fae can Fade. *winks*

And here’s wishing everyone a peaceful — and powerful — New Year.


Tiernan had taught Kevin to love breath play, early on in their relationship, and by now his response when Tiernan slipped his tie up over the collar of his dress shirt and started tugging to tighten it again around his throat was pure reflex: rapid heartbeat, shallow panting breaths, and a hard-on that could have used its own zip code.

“Maybe you should lie down.” Tiernan started slowly backing them up toward their bed, still tightening the improvised noose around Kevin’s neck and working his body against Kevin’s in a way that made Kevin pretty sure he wasn’t going to make it to blackout before he came like a —

“Oh, sorry, bad time?”

Kevin didn’t understand the Faen obscenity his husband whispered. He didn’t need to, though. “Yes, Conall. A very bad time.”


And a few links to round out the post, and the year —

Rainbow Snippets, your Facebook home for more LGBTQIA+ goodies:

And my Amazon page, where you can find Fae and shapeshifters and just a bit of SF:


Hello, Snippetteers! — you can see why this is a little late, I’ve been in cryogenic suspension and it’s taken me just a little while to thaw out. (Seriously, if I’m going to live where the air hurts my face, I’d better be getting SOME benefit out of it!)

I’m attaching pretty much the hottest-off-the-presses excerpt I have — I’ve been snowed and frozen in all day, so I’ve been spending my time writing, and as of this moment there are only two sentences beyond this point in the WIP. And for once, it’s actually six sentences — and, really, needs no introduction.


Fae were naturally immune to human diseases, but it hadn’t taken Conall long, after his arrival in the human world, to learn that he was as prone as any human to tension headaches. And he could feel a dandy coming on. Yet another wellspring had emerged within shouting distance of the great nexus. His partner’s ex-boyfriend was trapped in it, and Conall would eat someone else’s shorts, since he never wore any himself, if the trap had been laid by anyone other than the incredibly touchy daragin and Gille Dubh. And then there was the problem of Tiernan Guaire’s newly-arrived long-lost nephew, who claimed a SoulShare bond with said ex, not to mention the right to blood vengeance for the crime that had originally gotten Tiernan thrown out of the Realm.

At least there’s nothing left to go wrong.


And your links for the week —

Rainbow Snippets on Facebook, your home for all things LGBTQIA+:

And my Amazon page, for all the Fae, oboroten’, fading Shakespearean actors, and science fiction, all under one roof:


Hello, Snippetteers! — this Snippet needs a little bit of setup, but I don’t want to give too much away, either. (Not to mention that it always feels a little bit like cheating, to spend a whole paragraph setting up my six (well, seven) sentences…) Basically, Terry (the POV character here) has just disappeared from reality as everyone else currently in the story recognizes it, after going along with Maelduin’s request that he step into a mysterious circle of light and try to sense the magick in it. From his perspective, he’s inside a blurry, shifting cylinder of light, unable to get out, or even to make himself heard outside the cylinder. And it’s just occurred to him that maybe this was exactly what Maelduin (who had just revealed himself to be a Fae) intended all along.


He wouldn’t do this on purpose. He wouldn’t.

There was no reason for that to be true, of course. People did shit to one another all the time. He’d dumped Josh for a fast talker with a practiced smile, a platinum AmEx, and the social skills of a Tasmanian devil with mange. And Bryce had, in turn, put him out on the street with nothing but a suitcase. The last seven or eight years of Terry’s life had been a case study in the care and feeding of bad decisions.


And finally, a couple of links —

Rainbow Snippets, your home on Facebook for this and many other LGBTQIA+ goodies:

And as close as I have to a Christmas story — WOLF, BECOMING — which grew out of a Dreamspinner Advent Calendar story a couple of years ago and still has a touch of Christmas at its heart:


Good morning, Snippetteers! I haven’t been able to write a lot this week, because family, but I do have a bit here from Maelduin and Terry. Maelduin is trying to convince a magick-oblivious Terry that the two of them are magickally bonded. So, at great personal cost (remember, Maelduin is totally phobic about the subway, or any enclosed form of transportation), he’s taken Terry back to the construction site where they first met, to see if he can feel the wellspring of magick that’s appeared following Maelduin’s transition from the Realm. (Seven sentences again, sorry — we really need to add another stripe to the rainbow flag…)


“Do you feel it?”

Terry followed Maelduin’s clear blue gaze, his pointing finger, down toward his feet. Light pooled there, the way so many spotlights had surrounded him in the past.

Only… there were no spotlights here in this half-built shell of a dance studio.

And this light was coming from underneath the floor.

Terry’s feet tingled.

“What the hell…?”


And a couple of links —

Rainbow Snippets, your Facebook home for LGBTQIA+ goodies of all kinds:

And my Amazon page, so you can get caught up on the whole saga of the Fae of Purgatory: